Wednesday, September 7, 2011

exhaustion but still pushin through.

Its 12:40 am and I'm sitting at my fire house. I've been here only since 5:30 tonight but still I'm exhausted. Some of the guys have been here since 8 am today. I feel so bad for them, you can just see how exhaustion has taken over them. They keep pushing themselves though, all the way. We have had so many calls tonight for ATR, (advanced techical rescue), and people stuck in water, at least a hundred flooded basements that we have to get to by sometime tomorrow. I'm just so tired and as soon as I got home I had to get right back up when my head hit the pillow for another rescue call. It's really annoying but when the pager goes off I always have this adrenaline that comes over me. But unfortunetly, when I get there and sometimes dont make the truck, I'm stuck wondering why I got out of my warm bed. Then I remember: people call us when they have no one else to turn to. And knowing I'm part of that special team that goes out there anytime dangerous or not, WE. HELP.

1 comment:

  1. This is really what your job is all about, right? I'm thankful we have people like you to do the things other people couldn't.
