Thursday, September 29, 2011


i am proud that i am able to go through fire school. it is really hard not the academic stuff. screw that. im tlaking the practical stuff. this was and is a whole new ball game to me. stuff that i do in fire school, i most likely havent done before. i remember when i was in my exterior class we had to do things like ladder carries, ladder climbs, rescuing people (dummies) out of a building (not on fire). you learn to use extinguishers, hoses, how to roll hoses, which sucks! i hate rolling hose and God forbid you dont pack it tight enough in the truck you have to take it all out and start all over again. unfortunetly, ive had personal experience with that. -___- the first time i had to climb a four story extension ladder. it was horrible. i did heavy ass ladder carries all day running in my gear and now the wind was blowing, the ladder was shaky and i was scared shitless. i wanted to be the last one to climb it because i knew it would take me forever to get up there let alone, get down. as im about to be up for my turn, i start crying because im dreading this. my gear is so heavy and weighing me down im CERTAIN im fallin off of that thing. im a quarter of the way and my instructor was at the top coaching me up as im bawling my eyes out. all the guys at the bottom were telling me i could do it but i cried even harder being the only girl there and being a little bitch. haha it was horrible but i made it up and down without falling, which is a plus. the next day we had to carry a 14 foot ladder up a two story ladder with us. it was so heavy i could barely do it and it took forever but whatever, i got it done right?
the next series i have to get done is my interior. im kind of dreading it though, its going to be twice as hard as stuff ive already done. but, i have to do it to get to the next step. not to mention, im tired of getting booted off the truck. yea, i think im ready. the picture on this blog is pretty much what a 14 foot ladder carry is.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed with all that you're doing. Really nice blog this time!!
